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How the Purchasing Department had to adapt to the growing speed of vehicle electrification in the context of the semiconductor crisis? / Maureen PONT / 2023
Titre : How the Purchasing Department had to adapt to the growing speed of vehicle electrification in the context of the semiconductor crisis? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Maureen PONT, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 37p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais moyen (ca.1100-1500) (enm) Mots-clés : Management
CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; ORGANISATION ; RELATIONRésumé : This dissertation deals with the new skills and practices that buyers will have to acquire and implement, in the service of extended companies. They will have to look for leverage effects to be key stakeholders in the transformation of organizations, at the core of collaborative approaches.In the past, the buyer was seen as the one whose relationship was based on a power struggle, and whose aim was to put the supplier under "pressure" to get the best price. This was done despite the quality of the products and the price. For several years now, the balance of power has been shifted, the customer is no longer a "king" and the supplier has regained his rightful role in the relationship. Today, without a balanced management of the supplier relationship, the customer will not get what he wants.The growth of vehicle electrification has had a major impact on the procurement department, which has had to learn to adapt to meet the needs of this transformational industry. The semiconductor crisis has also added another challenge, as demand for these vital components has far outstripped supply. Indeed, it is the 'foundries' that drive the smooth running of global automotive production through their ability and willingness to supply semiconductors to the largest manufacturers.For this reason, close management of the supply chain with purchasing has become essential. Buyers have become "supply managers" and had to look for new sources of supply. They now have to secure needs by transmitting a 2-year forecast to suppliers, and those to the exact component. Here again, relationships are the key to obtain parts. At the dawn of the covid crisis, the customers who were served first are the ones that suppliers consider and prefer, although they are not necessarily the strategic customers.The connection between a company's internal departments is also at the heart of the transformations: Purchasing, quality, supply chain, technical, and the supplier who comes as a fifth stakeholder, who is essential. This is particularly true with the R&D department, with which purchasing has had to qualify alternative references, while finding a good technical?economic ratio.In summary, the purchasing department had to adapt in an agile way to the rise of vehicle electrification, in the context of the semiconductor crisis. This required close collaboration with suppliers, internal departments, careful cost assessment and continuous supply chain optimization. Programme : PGE-Rouen Spécialisation : Supply chain Management and purchasing Permalink : How do consumers perceive the art-luxury relationship and the societal commitments of luxury houses through artistic foundations? / Perrine GARDIEN / 2022
Titre : How do consumers perceive the art-luxury relationship and the societal commitments of luxury houses through artistic foundations? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Perrine GARDIEN, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 40 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CONSOMMATION ; FONDATION ; IMAGE ; IMAGE DE MARQUE ; INDUSTRIE DU LUXE SECTEUR ; RELATIONRésumé : Over the past twenty years, the State has encouraged the development of philanthropy by reforming the regulatory framework for sponsorship and the taxation of donations. The number of foundations has risen sharply, and philanthropy has benefited from greater public visibility. Philanthropy was seen as a complement, or even a useful and modern substitute for public funding. Strongly involved in the construction of a fair and harmonious society, these foundations have multiple fields of action: culture, heritage, environment, social etc. Faced with a globalised luxury industry, the major houses have attempted to promote their image by distinguishing themselves through this tremendous lever. However, in recent years, the tone seems to have changed and criticisms of these hybrid institutions created by luxury houses and other large companies are growing. Due to the numerous commercial collaborations between art and luxury, the phenomenon of artification has become very popular and is applicable to all areas of luxury: merchandising, marketing, products, advertising, but also corporate foundations which are linked to artistic initiatives, and which are now at the heart of the sponsorship strategies of luxury brands. This sponsorship is defined as material support given, without direct counterpart on the part of the beneficiary, to an organisation or a person for the realisation of activities of general interest, which is notably part of the CSR strategies of companies. This raises the question of how consumers perceive the art-luxury relationship and the societal commitments of luxury houses through art foundations? From the literature we can see that the luxury industry has provided several subsidies to the art industry, including helping many artists to work through collaborations or by exhibiting their work. Art can provide much-needed moral and aesthetic support for luxury companies, but also non-commercial connotations and a paradoxical legitimacy in relation to its high prices. On the other hand, luxury brings a new look to art, modernising it and making it accessible to everyone through large cultural and artistic institutions that have already promoted many artists. Artification helps this sector to minimise the motivation of social stratification of customer demand which favours more humanistic motivations such as elevation through objects that focus the work of talented artists, tradition and culture, art and creativity and timelessness (Kapferer, 2014). The motivations to carry out cultural and artistic patronage mentioned by the literature would allow luxury brands that are patrons of these projects to enjoy economic benefits, improve their images but also prove their commitments related to corporate social responsibility. However, according to the literature, luxury and CSR are totally incompatible concepts due to the incongruity of their values (Torelli et al, 2012) and corporate foundations may appear illegitimate, luxury brands run the risk of being suspected of being opportunistic and insincere (Anido Freire, Loussaïef, 2017). Consumers are therefore increasingly attentive and may perceive certain artistic initiatives as a way to improve the public image of the companies concerned. Unfortunately, there is very little research on the perceptions of the visitors and clients of these foundations, who are among the major actors in these projects. Therefore, in this essay, we decided to turn directly to the consumers and visitors of these luxury foundations in order to find out their perceptions of the commitments and legitimacy of these art foundations compared to other cultural institutions that are not commercial companies. Therefore, in this research paper, we want to investigate how consumers perceive the art-luxury relationship and the societal commitments of luxury houses through art foundations. This research will first identify the role of moral foundations and the benefits of investing in corporate philanthropy. It will also allow us to determine the authenticity of brand commitments, how to overcome the value conflict in the promotion of luxury brands with CSR initiatives as well as to determine under which conditions the brand initiative appears legitimate in the eyes of the consumer. Finally, this research will enable us to determine whether the art-luxury relationship and more precisely the artistic foundations have an impact on the luxury consumption of its visitors or at least an impact on their perception of the brand involved. Programme : MSc Luxury Marketing Permalink : The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Cash Holdings in the Chinese Stock Markets / Jingwen TANG / 2022
Titre : The Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Cash Holdings in the Chinese Stock Markets Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Jingwen TANG, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 24 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec cotre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
BOURSE DES VALEURS ; CHINE ; GOUVERNANCE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; LIQUIDITE ; RELATIONRésumé : Managing cash reserve levels has been a tricky question for firms to trying to find a trade-off between benefits and costs that works the best for their favors. Having more cash available means that the firms are open to more future growth and investment opportunities, capital expenditure and R&D,and to deal with seasonal or cyclical volatility of cash flows. The importance of corporate governance has on the value creation and long-term management of the firm has seized more and more attention.Current studies have shown that corporate governance has played an important role in determining the ,level of cash holdings those corporates have. Dittmar & Mahrt-Smith (2007) and Harford et al., (2012)
both show that firms with weaker corporate governance tend to have higher levels of cash holdings in 45 countries. However, those studies did not dig deep enough to capture the cross-sectional variation on the firm-level corporate governance and its relationships with cash holdings. Therefore, this unanswered question lays the foundation of the hypothesis, in which it examines on the firm-level basis if various attributes of corporate governance have any kinds of relationship with levels of cash holdings. To extend this hypothesis a bit further, this paper also examines if this implied nature of corporate governance andlevel of cash holdings combined together have a material effect on the value of firm especially in Chinese stock markets. Most of the studies on corporate governance focus on western stock markets.Chinese stock markets are much less discussed.After comprehensive study of Chinese listed companies’ cash levels and its attributes of corporate governance, I found that firms with weaker corporate governance, i.e. CEO-Chairman duality,large board size, small proportion of independent directors in audit committee and whether thecompany is family controlled, tend to develop a more conservative corporate cash policy meaning that they have more cash reserves. Shareholders tend to react negatively to excess cash holdings due to thepossibility of managerial entrenchment.Programme : MSc Corporate Finance Permalink : Developing and creating viable relationships between local producers and large French food retailers / Thomas EVRARD / 2021
Titre : Developing and creating viable relationships between local producers and large French food retailers Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Thomas EVRARD, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 27 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
PRODUCTION AGRICOLE ; RELATIONRésumé : Today, French consumers' interest in local products is more than a fad. It is now possible to talk about a real trend that tends to intensify over the years. The COVID crisis has reminded us that French production and especially local production is essential in the daily life of a lot of French people. Many initiatives are being taken by local producers, for instance traditional markets, farm sales or local producers' shops but also new sales methods developed by these small producers such as the "Rûche Qui Dit Oui" or even the "Drive fermiers". For a long time dissociated from the large retail, these local suppliers have aroused a great deal of interest in recent years on the part of giants such as Leclerc, Système U or Carrefour. This attraction can be explained by the increasing demand from consumers who are appealed by the many positive points that local products offer. Despite this growing demand and a clear willingness on the part of local producers and retailers to work together, there are still many problems. Our results indicate that this is a win-win relationship and that both parties stand to gain for several reasons that we will highlight below. However, this young relationship needs to be improved. This is confirmed by the qualitative study which has been conducted, showing hat the local trend is comparable to the organic trend that the large retail experienced a few years ago.
Thus, most of the respondents agree that this relationship is more than promising but that new implementations (drive, impacting operations of promotion…) must be made in order to eliminate, for instance, the various obstacles that may exist today.Programme : PGE-Rouen Permalink : Les écosystèmes d’affaires et la relation d’affaires BtoB / Camille LABEYRIE / 2021
Titre : Les écosystèmes d’affaires et la relation d’affaires BtoB : Une nouvelle forme de relation complexe dans l’élaboration des stratégies et méthodes commerciales BtoB ? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Camille LABEYRIE, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 187 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
METHODE ; RELATIONRésumé : Bien que selon le monde académique « Un écosystème d’affaires incarne une réponse face à la complexité grandissante des relations d’affaires dans un contexte de mondialisation. » (Assens et Ensminger, 2015) : peut-on considérer que les relations créées au sein des écosystèmes d’affaires sont des relations d’affaires ? Et comment les entreprises inscrites dans des écosystèmes d’affaires peuvent tirer profit de cette nouvelle forme d’organisation pour créer davantage d’opportunités commerciales ?
Ces différentes questions, nous ont amenés à nous interroger sur la problématique suivante : Est-ce que les écosystèmes d’affaires représenteraient une nouvelle forme de relations d’affaires BtoB à prendre en compte dans l’élaboration des stratégies et des méthodes commerciales BtoB ?
Afin de répondre à cette problématique, nous commencerons, dans un premier temps, par définir la notion d’écosystème d’affaires, puis par décrire son fonctionnement afin d’y trouver des éléments de réponse permettant d’y identifier des relations d’affaires.
Dans un second temps, nous présenterons la méthodologie de l’enquête réalisée auprès d’un écosystème d’affaires afin de valider que cette nouvelle forme d’organisation représente bien un levier dans la création d’opportunités commerciales pour les entreprises.
Enfin, en analysant les résultats de notre enquête, nous espérons apporter des recommandations managériales au département commercial et à la direction générale des entreprises inscrites dans des écosystèmes d’affaires.Programme : MSc Business Development & Clients Grands Comptes Permalink : How has the digitalization of the economy affected the social contract between employees and employers? / Maxime PHILIPPON / 2021Permalink"How to counterfeiting modifies buying behavior in terms of experience and brand relationship" ? / Jean FUSIER / 2021PermalinkL'impact de la visioconférence sur la relation client dans le secteur du conseil / Axel CARLIER / 2021Permalink“Impacts of embedded social media channels on satisfaction associated with travel websites & purchase decision in tourism & hospitality industry in Vietnam”. / Thi-Mua NGUYEN / 2021PermalinkRelational attributions and remote working during covid-19 / Manon VALETTE / 2021PermalinkThe effect of charismatic leadership on job satisfaction during covid 19 / Quentin MOREAU / 2021PermalinkThe physical store facing the digitalization of commerce. / Farah YAHIAOUI / 2021PermalinkLa transformation du modèle d’implantation des ESN, la transition de l’assistance technique unitaire au déploiement de dispositifs groupés représente-t-elle la solution optimale pour pérenniser sa relation commerciale ? / Alexandre THERY / 2021PermalinkCOMMENT LES INSURTECHS PEUVENT-ELLES DISRUPTER LE SECTEUR DE L’ASSURANCE EN FRANCE ? / Arthur GIGON / 2020PermalinkResearch on Luxury Fashion Brand’s Social Media Marketing Impacts on Customer Relationship and Purchase Intention / Lin XU / 2020Permalink
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