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Is Strong Leadership Good for the Economic Development of India? A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Style and their Impact on Economic Growth” / Ashwini DHAKANE / 2023
Titre : Is Strong Leadership Good for the Economic Development of India? A Comparative Analysis of Leadership Style and their Impact on Economic Growth” Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Ashwini DHAKANE, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 42 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
DEVELOPPEMENT ECONOMIQUE ; INDE ; ENVIRONNEMENT POLITIQUERésumé : This research proposal examines the impact of strong leadership on India's economic development through a comparative analysis of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) governments. The study investigates the relationship between political leadership and economic growth by comparing the achievements and challenges faced by both governments. The findings will contribute
to understanding the role of strong leadership in fostering economic development in developing countries and provide insights for future governments, policymakers, and leaders.Programme : MSc Global Management Permalink : Luxury brands disrupting the Indian market with Gamification as a marketing tool / Simran SIKHWAL / 2023
Titre : Luxury brands disrupting the Indian market with Gamification as a marketing tool Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Simran SIKHWAL, Auteur Année de publication : 2023 Importance : 48 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
TECHNOLOGIE ; INDE ; PUBLICITE AUDIOVISUELLEProgramme : MSc Luxury Marketing Permalink : Bollywood as a Soft Power Tool in France: Challenges and Opportunities for a Booming Indian Industry / Benjamin FOUQUES DUPARC / 2022
Titre : Bollywood as a Soft Power Tool in France: Challenges and Opportunities for a Booming Indian Industry Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Benjamin FOUQUES DUPARC, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 34 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
INDE ; FRANCE ; CINEMA SECTEURRésumé : We will first of all proceed to a literature review that will have several objectives. First, it will allow us to define the specific terms of this subject in order to foster a better understanding of the stakes, the ins and outs. Subsequently, this literature review will allow us to contextualize the topic, both historically and geographically. Focusing on specific issues related to the importance of soft power in a globalized and interconnected world, the interest of this contextualization is to provide the reader with a more global overview of the current situation of the world, its history, but also its future. Finally, we will review the results of a qualitative research conducted with 14 participants, aimed at understanding the real impact of Indian soft power in France through Bollywood, its limits, its challenges and its opportunities for potential expansion. Therefore, data were collected from 14 French people who agreed to participate in a semi-structured interview, allowing us to have an overview of the current perception of the French of Bollywood and India. Several themes were analyzed during this research. Whether it is the interest that the French have for foreign cinema, their perception of Bollywood and Indian culture or the future of Bollywood in France, this research aims to highlight the limits of the cultural impact of Bollywood, as a soft power tool, in France. In addition, it also aims to identify the opportunities that Bollywood may have in the coming years. Programme : MSc Marketing French Excellence Permalink : Mergers & Acquisitions in the video game industry / Charles PROBIN / 2022
Titre : Mergers & Acquisitions in the video game industry : Is the current strategy used by most of companies in the video game industry viable on the long-term? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Charles PROBIN, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 28 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec cotre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
ASIE ; FUSION ACQUISITION ; JEU VIDEO SECTEURRésumé : This dissertation is a study of the effects Mergers & Acquisitions activities of video game companies have on the final customer. The main purpose here is to see if the current
strategies that video game companies use are viable on the long-term. The background of this paper is the recent wave of Mergers and Acquisitions deals in the industry with larger and larger sums of money put on the table to acquire companies. Especially the recent announcement of Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard for an incredible $68 billion. With the use of an online survey, the opinion of 118 respondents was analyzed to get a better understanding of the general opinion towards those activities. The result of this study is a general negative opinion towards those activities. A deeper study with a better representation of the major market (Asia) could be useful to get even more useful information and conclusions. This paper also includes recommendations for companies to pivot to long?term goals that include customer opinion in order to reach long-term success.Programme : Global BBA Permalink : Muslim Character Representation in Bollywood (India) / Zurnab SARFRAZ / 2022
Titre : Muslim Character Representation in Bollywood (India) : An Exceptionalism vs. Universalism Discourse In Relation To Indo-Pak History of Geopolitical Relation Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Zurnab SARFRAZ, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 52 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec cotre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CINEMA SECTEUR ; INDE ; PAKISTAN ; RELIGIONRésumé : It is evident through the literature that Hollywood being the biggest film industry in the world has specific discourses of exceptionalism with various narratives and
themes to present Muslim Characters of Arab (Middle East) in particular and from other countries in general. These discourses are also greatly influenced by a history of relation between US and Middle East during the colonial and post-colonial era, 9/11 has been a seal of approval on those narratives. On the other hand, religion, art and literature are three of the key components of Indian culture, where religion has been taking a form of national identity lately and there are certain characters, gender roles, historical and religious representation that are supposed to be within the defined limits of spirituality and nationalist acceptance. The topic of ‘Terrorism’ has exceptionalism discourse where the subject is often times desired as well as exceptionalised in the social context. The stringent relation between India and Pakistan is a key and potent reason behind using ‘Exceptionalism’ discourse for Muslim Representing Characters in India Bollywood. All the characters hailing from or linked to Pakistan either have a connection with the history of India and Pakistan before partition or during partition or with the post partition events of extremism, friendship, infringements, insurgencies and the bilateral ties; this gives grounds to the premise that the ‘Exceptionalism’ discourse of Muslim Characters in Indian Bollywood movies is greatly influenced by the India and Pakistan geopolitical, social and diplomatic relations.Programme : MSc Business Analytics Permalink : Production capacity planning for biscuit industry in India for MSME sector / Singh SUBHAM / 2022PermalinkWarehouse location problem for E-commerce companies in India / Chauhan SHASHANK / 2022PermalinkAdaptability of Advanced Technology in Last-Mile Delivery in India / Hari Prasad RAJENDRAN / 2021PermalinkHow Covid-19 influenced the shift in marketing strategies of the luxury residential real estate sector: Case of India. / Rena VORA / 2021PermalinkUse of blockchain technology in Indian agriculture supply chain for traceability of cultivation practices in India and its impact on consumer behavior / Praveen DODDA / 2021PermalinkVKS Texport’s / Kimaya JOSHI / 2020PermalinkWork-life balance of women employees in IT sector of India / Akshay Shivakumar PATIL / 2020PermalinkWorkplace problems that are leading to career change: The case of young architects in India / Aishwarya BADAMI / 2020PermalinkAsia-Pacific Contemporary Finance and Development / Bruno S. SERGI / EMERALD PUBLISHING LIMITED (2019)PermalinkContemporary International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region / Cambridge : CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS (2019)Permalink
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