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The impact of employees' expectations on working patterns in entrepreneurial structures / Jason CERQUEIRA / 2022
Titre : The impact of employees' expectations on working patterns in entrepreneurial structures Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Jason CERQUEIRA, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 25 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
EMPLOYE ; SATISFACTION ; FLEXIBILITE ; TRAVAIL A DISTANCE ; TELECOMMUNICATIONRésumé : In recent years, the expectations of employees in companies have changed significantly. In the past, they were mainly looking for a good salary and job security. This phenomenon was intensified following the Covid-19 epidemic. Today, employees are primarily looking for a better work-life balance as well as flexibility or meaning and purpose in their work. Some are also looking for more involvement in their organization and collaboration with others. These new employees’ expectations are impacting on working patterns in new ways and there is a disruption in the workplace. Thus, we see the emergence of flexible work arrangements with, among other things, more flexible working hours, compressed workweeks, remote work and job sharing. This trend is also having a strong impact on the way workplaces have been designed, resulting in the creation and/or reorganization of these spaces. All these changes will have a profound and lasting impact on the world of work and this raises questions about the future of work. This is why I wanted to explore how employees' expectations influence working patterns in entrepreneurial structures. Beyond this focus on entrepreneurial structures, it seems also interesting to see how employees' expectations have changed a few years after the beginning of the epidemic when we start to see a sustainable exit from the crisis. Programme : MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation Permalink : The innovation race in the smartphone industry: a headache for supply chains / Manu JAHIER / 2022
Titre : The innovation race in the smartphone industry: a headache for supply chains Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Manu JAHIER, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 30 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec cotre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
INNOVATION ; INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ; CHAINE LOGISTIQUE ; TELEPHONIERésumé : This dissertation sheds light on the massive and diversified production in the smartphone industry, the huge amounts of stocks and the e-waste created which arise financial, supply chain and environmental complexities for companies. This phenomenon is both the fruit of manufacturers’ permanent research for more profits and people trend to overconsume. At the
time of climate imbalance, such a proliferation is very dangerous for the environment and for people through the unruly amounts of e-waste it generates. Through a survey, I first make a state of the current smartphone market, the impact of people’s behaviour in this insane innovation race, and people knowledge about existing solutions that tackle obsolescence. A financial analysis has then been conducted to show the cannibalisation effects of yearly launches on manufacturers annual profits. Finally, based on some interviews, this paper explains the current stocks disposal strategies set up by companies and the growing market of reconditioning.The research concludes that though reconditioning is gaining ground and consumers’ behaviour is going towards a more reasonable smartphone consumption, much more efforts could be done from the customers’ side: customers’ power should never be minimized. Nevertheless, the crucial effort must be done on governments and manufacturers’ side as they are the ones with the influence and the leeway to act against the actual usage. Indeed, rules can be implemented to make pressure on manufacturers. It could force them to create multi-model components, stop
planned obsolescence, increase guarantee, or design “smarter” smartphones with a higher repairability index.Programme : PGE-Reims Permalink : Managing remote teams / Lydia STEUNOU / 2021
Titre : Managing remote teams Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Lydia STEUNOU, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 31 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
TRAVAIL A DISTANCE ; TELECOMMUNICATION ; GESTION D'EQUIPERésumé : The notion of telecommuting, also known as teleworking and work from home, has been brought in the 1950’s by Norbert Wiener (Lafon C., 2020). Indeed, the architect was using data transmission to monitor a building construction in the US from Europe.. The 1970’s are marked by the possibility to communicate distantly thanks to the fax and the phone. In the 1990’s, the NICT (New Information and Communication Technology) enabled telecommuting thanks to the internet and computers. Little by little, work from home is institutionalized and regulated. Thus, in 2002, in the European Union (EU), the European social partners have reached a flexible agreement allowing each country of the EU to have its own regulation on the matter.The Covid-19 Pandemic has accelerated a tendency already existent. Indeed, the lockdown and the measures taken by the Government have forced companies to establish work from home suddenly, even for those which had never adopted it before. In this paper, I want to explain how to manage remote teams.In this paper, I will associate academic research and empirical data to suggest a form of leadership best suited for teams that are formed by one or several team members working outside of the office, at least partially. Programme : MSc Human Resources Consulting Permalink : Educating consumers about the composition of their cosmetic products thanks to inci beauty smartphone scan application / Justine MOYA / 2020
Titre : Educating consumers about the composition of their cosmetic products thanks to inci beauty smartphone scan application Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Justine MOYA, Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 35 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
COSMETIQUE ET PARFUMERIE SECTEUR ; TELEPHONIE ; APPLICATION MOBILE ; CONSOMMATEURRésumé : Since a few years now there has been a growing interest for consumers in having a greener and healthier consumption. This phenomenon which began with food products has progressively extended to cosmetics and personal care products. However, because of misleading health claims and difficulty to understand products’ composition, it is not easy for consumers to make well-informed purchase decisions. This highlights the need to educate consumers about the components included in their products. In order to help them, ever more health smartphone applications have been launched and more particularly scan applications. INCI Beauty is one of them and is dedicated to cosmetics and personal care products. Therefore, this paper will focus on the following research question: Can a smartphone application, such as INCI Beauty, educate consumers about the composition of their cosmetic products and help them making informed purchase decisions? To answer this question a quantitative study has been conducted via an electronic survey. The following results have been found: the scan application INCI Beauty could be a relevant solution to educate consumers about composition of their cosmetic products as its expertise influences consumers’ brand image perception and purchase intention. However, surprisingly, consumers don’t really consider to adopt it. This paradox could be the object of further researches. Programme : PGE-Reims Spécialisation : Marketing - Parcours Brand Development Permalink : La stratégie digitale des distributeurs à l’ère du mobile / Lisa BONNEFOUS / 2020
Titre : La stratégie digitale des distributeurs à l’ère du mobile Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Lisa BONNEFOUS, Auteur Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 73 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
CLIENT ; DISTRIBUTION ; TECHNOLOGIE ; TELEPHONIERésumé : Le secteur de la distribution évolue et s’adapte aux évolutions de la société. Les enseignes ont donc progressivement adopté le mobile et mettent en place des stratégies afin de faire de cet appareil un réel atout.
L’objectif de cette thèse professionnelle est alors de mettre en évidence les stratégies existantes dans le milieu de la distribution et de de savoir comment optimiser la stratégie digitale des distributeurs à l’ère du mobile ?
Une revue de littérature couplée à une étude de cas sur 6 acteurs de la distribution ont permis d’identifier, grâce à des exemples concrets, les principaux axes d’amélioration des stratégies mobiles dans la distribution
L’analyse a alors montré que toute stratégie mobile réussie suppose avant tout une présence sur mobile à toutes les étapes du parcours client aussi bien en ligne qu’en magasin, à condition que sa navigation et son ergonomie soient optimisées. Par ailleurs, le mobile doit être un atout dans la création d’une relation de proximité avec les consommateurs notamment via les réseaux sociaux mais aussi car il s’impose comme un média supplémentaire que les marques doivent utiliser à bon escient dans leur stratégie de communication marketing. Enfin, les distributeurs doivent tirer profit des données supplémentaires permises par l’usage du mobile et savoir les analyser correctement pour améliorer leur performances, leur rentabilité et la personnalisation.
Des recommandations concrètes et opérationnelles ont alors pu être déduites de ces résultats dans le but de donner des pistes d’amélioration de leur stratégie mobile aux distributeurs.Programme : MS Marketing & Data Analytics Permalink : PermalinkConception d'interfaces pour mobiles / Christophe GILBERT / EDITIONS ENI (2017)PermalinkManagement information systems / Kenneth C. LAUDON / Harlow : PEARSON EDUCATION LIMITED (2016)PermalinkCes objets connectés qui vont changer votre vie / Yasmina LECOMTE / FIRST INTERACTIVE (2015)PermalinkConsommer, consumer : les dérives de la consommation / Benoit DUGUAY / Malmö : LIBER (2015)PermalinkEducation aux médias à l'heure des réseaux / Francis BARBEY / Paris : L'HARMATTAN (2015)PermalinkLes innovateurs / Walter ISAACSON / EDITIONS JC LATTES-BECITIZEN (2015)PermalinkVol. 1. Telco global connect : strategic insights for Telco professionals / Malik SADIQ / CREATESPACE INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING PLATFORM (2015)PermalinkVol. 2. Telco global connect / Malik SADIQ / CREATESPACE INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING PLATFORM (2015)PermalinkCulture high tech pour les nuls / Sébastien LECOMTE / FIRST INTERACTIVE (2014)Permalink
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