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Resistance to Digital Innovations in an Entrepreneurial Context. Case study: Macdonald's technology payment terminals, called SSTs / Pauline MEREAU / 2019
Titre : Resistance to Digital Innovations in an Entrepreneurial Context. Case study: Macdonald's technology payment terminals, called SSTs Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Pauline MEREAU, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 24 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
COMMERCE DE DETAIL ALIMENTAIRE SECTEUR ; CONSOMMATEUR ; ENSEIGNE ; INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ; MACHINE ; SATISFACTIONRésumé : In recent years, attention has finally been focused on the behaviour of late adopters, a category of consumers who are still resistant to technological innovations. In the case of Mac Donald's company providing automatic order and payment terminals called SST, this study analyses the behaviour of late adopters in order to understand the factors that make them reject their use. Choosing to study 8 variables (the influence in personal life management, the interactive experience lived, data protection, user satisfaction, consumer inventiveness, attitude towards technologies, the need for human contact and attitude towards change), the survey shows that all of them have a negative influence on the use of kiosks, with the exception of the search for an interactive experience. Companies using SST can take advantage of this analysis to offer a personalised service that takes into account what is important to late adopters, in order to win new consumers. Note de contenu : PGE: Bibliogr.P. 22-24 Programme : PGE-Rouen Spécialisation : Entrepreneurship Permalink : Resistance to Digital Innovations in an Entrepreneurial Context: What are the determinants that allowed the adoption of SSTs in fast-food and cinema? / Gaël PUAUD / 2019
Titre : Resistance to Digital Innovations in an Entrepreneurial Context: What are the determinants that allowed the adoption of SSTs in fast-food and cinema? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Gaël PUAUD, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 26 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
COMMERCE DE DETAIL ALIMENTAIRE SECTEUR ; CONSOMMATEUR ; INDUSTRIE CULTURELLE SECTEUR ; INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ; MACHINERésumé : Most of the studies on Self-Services Technologies (SSTs) tried to understand how to apply those technologies on complexes businesses. In this paper we will focus on business where simple actions are required from the customer: fast-food and cinema. Starting from these businesses we will establish a profile of SST users trying to know if SSTs are diffused to all waves of adopter (from first adopter to laggards). We find that late adopters are starting to use SST. Moreover, we find that the typical user is a student or an entrepreneur with a high degree of education. For this user, the revenue does not have impact on the willingness to use SSTs. In this paper we find that for fast-food and cinema consumers are expecting time saving and customization from SSTs. Nevertheless, these two elements must be provided through an understandable system. This means that users have to simply understand what is expected from him and how to proceed while having the control on its order and directly perceive SSTs’ usefulness. These three components are the key features that lead the customer to be satisfied by SSTs. The main issue for SST future is to find the right balance between increasing the level of customization and personalization allowed via SST without losing the ease-of-use. In addition of that analyze, we will determine what are the main threats and issues for SSTs’ future. How reinforce consumer continuance intention while increasing companies’ advantages in using SSTs. We found that there are two main threats for SSTs: the loss of human contact due to technological progress and consumers’ private data security. Both are big issues for the development of SSTs. To be more performant SSTs must reduce the human contact and collect more information on users. These are two issues, find the right balance between technology and human cashier in fast-food and cinema and lead the consumer to completely trust in SSTs to give its personal information. Note de contenu : PGE: Bibliogr.P.24-26 Programme : PGE-Rouen Spécialisation : Entrepreneurship Permalink : The influence of personal interaction in resistance to innovation, through the study of the use of Self-Service-Technologies in fast-food restaurants and cinemas. / Céline LE GOURRIER / 2019
Titre : The influence of personal interaction in resistance to innovation, through the study of the use of Self-Service-Technologies in fast-food restaurants and cinemas. Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Céline LE GOURRIER, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 26 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ; MACHINE ; SATISFACTION ; TECHNOLOGIERésumé : This article discusses the problem of innovation resistance faced by private and public enterprises. It deals specifically with SSTs, automatons for delegating tasks to a technology that manages the order and its processing. The study, based on the data collected, treats the problematic under the prism of the personal interaction perceived during the use of the SST. The literature review first introduces the concepts of resistance to innovation to understand the achievements that address the problem of resistance to innovation, particularly to improve the user experience. Note de contenu : PGE: Bibliogr.P.24-26 Programme : PGE-Rouen Spécialisation : Entrepreneurship Permalink : The SST’s conquest of customer confidence: overcome the need for human interaction to reach productivity / François VASSEUR / 2019
Titre : The SST’s conquest of customer confidence: overcome the need for human interaction to reach productivity Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : François VASSEUR, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 23 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CONSOMMATEUR ; INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIQUE ; MACHINE ; SOCIETE DE CONSOMMATIONRésumé : Self-service technology (SST) knew the last ten years a remarkable adoption effect, linked with the generalisation of its use in the cinemas and the fast foods. It facilitated the optimisation of order taking for the customers while driving human resources toward higher added value tasks. Nevertheless, this study tends to show that the adoption of SST remains incomplete and that the human interaction is still favoured in the purchasing of top range services. Two types of questions asked to the people surveyed show that the consciousness of the customers keep preferring human interaction rather than technology whereas unconscious reactions, observed with the solicitation of personal experience, show a priority given to the optimisation allowed by SST. SST machines seem to be more and more fixed in customers habits for its current use, but its expansion toward other types of services or other industries could face another resistance phenomenon. Note de contenu : PGE: Bibliogr.P.21-23 Programme : PGE-Rouen Spécialisation : Entrepreneurship Permalink :
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