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How do short videos on social media allow the fitness industry to positively influence the attitude of young adults towards exercising? / Johanna ABESSOLO / 2022
Titre : How do short videos on social media allow the fitness industry to positively influence the attitude of young adults towards exercising? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Johanna ABESSOLO, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 28 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
JEUNE ; MEDIA SOCIAL ; VIDEO ; WEBMARKETINGRésumé : Short-form videos on social media provide easy access to new and engaging content, which can be entertaining but also informative and motivational. Moreover, posting short videos on TikTok, Instagram or YouTube has a greater reach than traditional formats. As a result, this format of content can help the fitness industry (gym facilities, personal trainers, fitness influencers) to inspire people, especially young adults (18-30 years old) to have a healthy and sporty lifestyle. In fact, young adults in general spend more time with technology and social media than any other activity and young adulthood is perceived to be a period which can be subject to poor exercise habits. Thus, this paper focuses on how short videos on social media allow the fitness industry to positively influence the attitude of French young adults towards exercising. A quantitative study was conducted with a Qualtrics survey, on a population of 175 people, composed of 69,14% of women, 30,29% of men and 0,57% of non-binary people. This study validated some hypotheses: First, it could be observed that watching short videos related to exercising has an influence on the sports practice of young adults. People who watch a significant number of short videos related to physical activity are more likely to do exercise or change the way they do exercise. It is particularly true among women and people who do exercise at gym facilities. It could also be observed that there is a positive relationship between watching short videos related to physical activity and the motivation to do exercise. However, short videos have not been shown to have a positive impact on people's perception of their bodies. Programme : PGE-Reims Spécialisation : Digital Marketing Permalink : What are the effects of different factors on online supermarket video advertising and millennials' purchase intentions? / Jinlin YE / 2022
Titre : What are the effects of different factors on online supermarket video advertising and millennials' purchase intentions? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Jinlin YE, Auteur Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 30 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec cotre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de la page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
COMMERCE ELECTRONIQUE ; JEUNE ; VIDEORésumé : This study investigated the relationship between different influences on video advertising in the online supermarket industry and millennials' purchase intention in relation to the style of video advertising, the frequency of advertising exposure, the platform on which the advertising is shown and the influence of influencers. A questionnaire was used for the quantitative study. The data study revealed that millennial consumers prefer functional advertising over emotional advertising.
The study found that
1. the frequency of exposure to video ads was not positively associated with positive purchase intention.
2. the platform on which video ads were delivered was not directly related to purchasing intention. However, it is still possible to connect with potential customers through the most popular short-form video platforms among Millennials.
3. The last one is that influencers' opinions strongly impact Millennials' purchase intentions.
These findings provide information that will help online retailers and companies create video ads, understand millennial customers, and develop more effective video advertising strategies.Programme : Global BBA Permalink :
Titre : How Video on Demand platforms are reshaping the audiovisual consumption? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Geoffrey DURAND, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 27 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
AUDIOVISUEL ; COMPORTEMENT DU CONSOMMATEURRésumé : Since a few years now, the advent of connected devices, internet 2.0 and platforms have allowed Video-on-Demand services to take a leading role in our societies. These services have changed the audiovisual landscape and offer new ways of accessing and watching audiovisual content with a much more flexible and convenient experience. The explosion of these video-on-demand platforms has put an end to the golden age of television and is pushing users to adopt new ways of consuming audiovisual content. The shift to a more autonomous mode of consumption in the face of an abundance of audiovisual content raises the following question: How Video on Demand platforms are reshaping the audiovisual consumption? In order to complete the previous studies, a quantitative study has been conducted. The result is that watching content more often on Video on Demand platforms than on TV influences our emotional engagement in our programmes and reinforces the feeling of frustration when all the episodes of a programme are not available. Thus, platforms change the way we consume and increase our expectations regarding audiovisual content. These results have implications for companies that need to understand the new consumer expectations in order to continue to exist in this changing industry. Programme : PGE-Rouen Permalink :
Titre : That will never work Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Marc RANDOLPH Editeur : HACHETTE Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 311 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-913068-21-9 Prix : 16 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
NETFLIXIndex. décimale : 112.38 ENTREPRISE ETRANGERE Résumé : Once upon a time, brick-and-mortar video stores were king. Late fees were ubiquitous, video-streaming unheard of, and widespread DVD adoption seemed about as imminent as flying cars. These were the widely accepted laws of the land in 1997 when Marc Randolph had an idea.
It was a simple thought - leveraging the internet to rent movies - and was just one of many more proposals, like personalised baseball bats and a shampoo delivery service, that Randolph would pitch to his business partner, Reed Hastings, on their commute to work each morning.
But Hastings was intrigued, and the pair - with Hastings as the primary investor and Randolph as the CEO - founded a company.
Now with over 150 million subscribers, Netflix's triumph feels inevitable but the twenty-first century's most disruptive start-up began with few believers and calamity at every turn. From having to pitch his own mother on being an early investor, to the motel conference room that served as a first office, to server crashes on launch day, to the now-infamous meeting when they pitched Blockbuster to acquire them, Marc Randolph's transformational journey exemplifies how anyone with grit, gut instincts and determination can change the world - even with an idea that many think will never work.
What emerges, however, isn't just the inside story of one of the world's most iconic companies. Full of counter-intuitive concepts and written in binge-worthy prose, it answers some of our most fundamental questions about taking that leap of faith in business or in life: How do you begin? How do you weather disappointment and failure? How do you deal with success? What even is success?Permalink : Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité J5187 112.38 RAN Livre Library Campus de Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible What are the strategic and marketing challenges of innovation for original content made by video streaming services? / Clément DUFOUR / 2021
Titre : What are the strategic and marketing challenges of innovation for original content made by video streaming services? Type de document : Mémoire Auteurs : Clément DUFOUR, Auteur Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 25 p. Note générale : Pour accéder aux fichiers PDF, merci de vous identifier sur le catalogue avec votre compte Office 365 via le bouton CONNEXION en haut de page. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
INNOVATION ; INTERNET ; MARKETING STRATEGIQUE ; MEDIA ; VIDEORésumé : This research work focuses on the video streaming services called SVOD platforms and it studies their strategic and marketing challenges pointing the role of original contents as an innovation process. The topic of original contents being part of the SVOD strategy is not fully developed within academic literature, whereas the SVOD market has become increasingly important for some years now, and there seems to be no turning back, pushing cultural goods such as DVDs out the door. With this growing power, I wanted to look at the strategy of SVOD platforms and the role played by original contents. Thus, I decided to work on this following problematic: What are the strategic and marketing challenges of innovation for original content made by video streaming services? This subject led us, after an extensive literary study on innovation and its role in the SVOD market, to conduct a qualitative study with 4 professionals from the video industry, which allowed me to draw these conclusions: In a fiercely competitive market, the content catalogue is the essential tool to work on, as well as the editorialization of the catalogue to reach a large audience and preserve its consumer base. We also understood that the strategy of original content was a necessary strategy for SVOD platforms to be viable and therefore the importance of multi-channel marketing to put forward the maximum amount of content to a maximum number of targets. Programme : PGE-Reims Permalink : PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalink

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