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Auteur Anthony GIDDENS |
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Essential concepts in sociology / Anthony GIDDENS / POLITY PRESS (2017)
Titre : Essential concepts in sociology Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Anthony GIDDENS, Auteur ; Philip W. SUTTON, Auteur Editeur : POLITY PRESS Année de publication : 2017 ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-5095-1667-4 Prix : 21 EUR Note générale : Bibliogr. en fin de chap. Index Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
SOCIOLOGIERésumé : Social life is in a constant process of change, and sociology cannot afford to stand still. Sociology today is theoretically diverse, covers a huge range of subjects and draws on a broad array of research methods. Central to this endeavour is the use of core concepts and ideas which allow sociologists to make sense of societies, though our understanding of these concepts is constantly evolving and changing.
This clear and jargon-free book introduces a careful selection of essential concepts that have helped to shape sociology, and others that continue to do so. Going beyond brief, dictionary-style definitions, Anthony Giddens and Philip W. Sutton provide an extended discussion of each concept which sets it into historical and theoretical context, explores its main meanings in use, introduces some relevant criticisms, and points readers to its ongoing development in contemporary research and theorizing.
Organized in ten thematic sections, the book offers a portrait of sociology through its essential concepts ranging from capitalism, identity and deviance to citizenship, the environment and intersectionality. It will be essential reading for all those new to sociology, as well as those seeking a reliable route map for a rapidly changing world.Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=500025 Sociology / Anthony GIDDENS / POLITY PRESS (2017)
Titre : Sociology Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Anthony GIDDENS ; Philip W. SUTTON Mention d'édition : 8th ed. Editeur : POLITY PRESS Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 1192 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7456-9668-3 Prix : 35 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
SOCIOLOGIEIndex. décimale : 164.43 SOCIOLOGIE Résumé : Now in its eighth edition, this continues to be the indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. Revised and updated throughout, it remains unrivalled in its vibrant, engaging and authoritative introduction to sociology. The authors provide a commanding overview of recent global developments and new ideas in sociology. Classic debates are also given careful coverage, with even the most complex ideas explained in an engaging way. Written in a fluent, easy–to–follow style, the book manages to be intellectually rigorous but still very accessible. With a strong focus on interactive pedagogy, it aims to engage and excite readers, helping them to see the enduring value of thinking sociologically. The eighth edition includes: a solid foundation in the basics of sociology: its purpose, methodology and theories; up–to–the–minute overviews of key topics in social life, from gender, personal life and poverty, to globalization, the media and politics; stimulating examples of what sociology has to say about key issues in our contemporary world, such as growing inequality, climate change and the rise of terrorism; a strong focus on global sociology and the ways that digital technologies are radically transforming our world; quality pedagogical features, such as ‘Classic Studies’ and ‘Global Society’ boxes, and ‘Thinking Critically’ reflection points, as well as end–of–chapter activities inviting readers to engage with popular culture and original research articles to gather sociological insights. The eighth edition sets the standard for introductory sociology. Complete with extensive supporting resources at www.politybooks.com/giddens , it is the ideal teaching text for first–year university and college courses, and will help to inspire a new generation of sociologists. Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=485683 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité J6310 164.43 GID Livre Library Campus de Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible Turbulent and mighty continent / Anthony GIDDENS / POLITY PRESS (2014)
Titre : Turbulent and mighty continent : what future for Europe? Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Anthony GIDDENS Mention d'édition : Revised and updated revision Editeur : POLITY PRESS Année de publication : 2014 Importance : IX, 247 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-7456-8097-2 Prix : 15 EUR Note générale : Index. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
EUROPERésumé : A "United States of Europe", Winston Churchill proposed in 1946, could "as if by a miracle transform" that "turbulent and mighty continent". "In this way only", he continued, "will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living".
Today, nearly seventy years later, over 500 million people live in the member states of the European Union a greater number than in any other political community save for China and India. The currency of the Union, the euro, is used in economic transactions world–wide. Yet the EU is mired in the greatest crisis of its history, one that threatens its very existence as an entity able to have an impact upon world affairs. Europe no longer seems so mighty, instead but faces the threat of becoming an irrelevant backwater or, worse, once again the scene of turbulent conflicts. Divisions are arising all over Europe, while the popularity of the Union sinks. How can this situation be turned around?
Now published as a revised and updated paperback that takes account of the May 2014 elections to the European Parliament, Turbulent and Mighty Continent makes a powerful case for a far–reaching and fundamental renewal of the European project as a whole.Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=157979 La constitution de la société / Anthony GIDDENS / PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE (2012)
Titre : La constitution de la société : éléments de la théorie de la structuration Titre original : The constitution of society Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Anthony GIDDENS, Auteur ; Michel AUDET, Traducteur Mention d'édition : 2e éd. Editeur : PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE Année de publication : 2012 Collection : Quadrige (Paris. 1981), ISSN 0291-0489 Importance : VII-474 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-13-060881-3 Prix : 20,50 EUR Note générale : Bibliogr. p. 445-455. Index. Glossaire Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CHANGEMENT SOCIAL ; PHILOSOPHIE ; THEORIE ; SCIENCES HUMAINES ET SOCIALESRésumé : « Reconnaître le caractère multidimensionnel de la modernité implique de rompre avec quelques-unes des théories du changement social les plus profondément ancrées dans les sciences sociales. Dans le présent volume, je discute la logique de ces théories sur un mode abstrait, mais ce travail conceptuel et critique n’est que le point de départ d’une entreprise plus ambitieuse qui renvoie à une préoccupation d’ordre empirique, celle de parvenir à réinterpréter la nature même de la modernité. Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=155853 LA CONSTITUTION DE LA SOCIETE / Anthony GIDDENS / Paris : PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE (PUF) (1987)
Titre : LA CONSTITUTION DE LA SOCIETE Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Anthony GIDDENS Editeur : Paris : PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE (PUF) Année de publication : 1987 Collection : Sociologies Importance : 1 vol., 474 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-13-039975-9 Prix : 41,16 EUR Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
SOCIOLOGIEIndex. décimale : 164.43 SOCIOLOGIE Résumé : Eléments de la théorie de la structuration. Le temps, l'espace et la régionalisation. La spatialisation. Changement, évolution et pouvoir. Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=11803 Exemplaires(1)
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