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Business analytics for managers / Gert H. N. LAURSEN / Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley (2017)
Titre : Business analytics for managers : taking business intelligence beyond reporting Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Gert H. N. LAURSEN, Auteur ; Jesper THORLUND, Auteur Editeur : Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Année de publication : 2017 Collection : Wiley & SAS business series Importance : 264 p. Présentation : ill. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-119-29858-8 Prix : 45 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
ANALYSE NUMERIQUE ; PRISE DE DECISION ; STRATEGIEIndex. décimale : 211.62 ANALYSE NUMERIQUE Résumé : "The intensified used of data based on analytical models to control digitalized operational business processes in an intelligent way is a game changer that continuously disrupts more and more markets. This book exemplifies this development and shows the latest tools and advances in this field Business Analytics for Managers offers real-world guidance for organizations looking to leverage their data into a competitive advantage. This new second edition covers the advances that have revolutionized the field since the first edition's release; big data and real-time digitalized decision making have become major components of any analytics strategy, and new technologies are allowing businesses to gain even more insight from the ever-increasing influx of data. New terms, theories, and technologies are explained and discussed in terms of practical benefit, and the emphasis on forward thinking over historical data describes how analytics can drive better business planning. Coverage includes data warehousing, big data, social media, security, cloud technologies, and future trends, with expert insight on the practical aspects of the current state of the field. Analytics helps businesses move forward. Extensive use of statistical and quantitative analysis alongside explanatory and predictive modeling facilitates fact-based decision making, and evolving technologies continue to streamline every step of the process. This book provides an essential update, and describes how today's tools make business analytics more valuable than ever. Learn how Hadoop can upgrade your data processing and storage Discover the many uses for social media data in analysis and communication Get up to speed on the latest in cloud technologies, data security, and more Prepare for emerging technologies and the future of business analytics Most businesses are caught in a massive, non-stop stream of data. It can become one of your most valuable assets, or a never-ending flood of missed opportunity. Technology moves fast, and keeping up with the cutting edge is crucial for wringing even more value from your data--Business Analytics for Managers brings you up to date, and shows you what analytics can do for you now"--
"In this second edition of Business Analytics for Managers, the authors provided an updated look at business analytics, focusing mainly on the subject of "big data" and the increased use of analytical information in real time processes. Though the 1E touches on these two subjects, there are new terms and theories in the analytics world that need to be reflected and made explicit in a second edition. Topics covered include: - Growing open-source technologies like Hadoop and their strengths and weaknesses compared to the traditional way of storing and processing data in a data warehouse - The impact of social media. Social media has both become a new data source that can be used for multiple analytical purposes, as well as a channel to deploy analytical results in. - Data security - Cloud technologies, and - Future trends"--Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=535185 Autre formatExemplaires(2)
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