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Titre : The maze of banking : history, theory, crisis Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Gary GORTON,, Auteur Editeur : OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Année de publication : 2015 Importance : xiii, 674 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-020484-6 Note générale : Index. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
BANQUE ; CRISE ECONOMIQUE ; HISTOIREMots-clés candidats : Financial crises History. Business cycles Banks and banking Index. décimale : E-book Résumé : Financial crises are devastating in human and economic terms. To avoid the next one, it is important to understand the recent financial crisis of 2007-2008 and the financial eras which preceded it. Gary Gorton has been studying financial crises since his 1983 PhD thesis, "Banking Panics." The Maze of Banking contains a collection of his academic papers on the subjects of banks, banking, and financial crises. The papers in this volume span almost 175 years of U.S. banking history, from pre-U.S. Civil War private bank notes issued during the U.S. Free Banking Era (1837-1863); followed by the U.S. National Banking Era (1863-1914) before there was a central bank; through loan sales, securitization, and the financial crisis of 2007-2008. Banking changed profoundly during these 175 years, yet it did not change in fundamental ways. The forms of money changed, resulting in associated changes in the information structure of the economy. Bank debt evolved as an instrument for storing value, smoothing consumption, and transactions, but its fundamental nature did not change. In all its forms, it is vulnerable to bank runs without government intervention. These papers provide the framework for understanding how the financial crisis of 2007-2008 developed and what can be done to promote a stabile banking industry and prevent future economic crises. Nombre d'accès : 2 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=158381
Titre : Lexus : the relentless pursuit : the secret history of Toyota Motor's quest to conquer the global luxury car market Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Chester DAWSON, Auteur Mention d'édition : Rev. ed. Editeur : JOHN WILEY & SONS SINGAPORE Année de publication : 2011 Importance : xxv, 284 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-470-82806-9 Note générale : Index. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés candidats : Toyota Jidosha Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha. Lexus automobile History. AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR AUTOMÓVIL SECTOR AUTOMOBILE SECTEUR LUXURY GOOD PRODUCTO DE LUJO PRODUIT DE LUXE LEXUS Résumé : "The author takes us on a breathtaking 'genchi-genbutu' (meaning 'go and see') as if we are in Toyota City. A must-read for a car nut". (Shin Sano CEO, Sano Research Assistant Research Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology's Institute of Design). "With his strong focus on the personalities behind the brand, Chester Dawson has crafted a compelling insider look at Lexus and its whirlwind history, from the company's risky beginnings and earliest setbacks to the current challenges it faces as the number one luxury car manufacturer in the United States. "Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit" is an essential read that I would recommend to both Lexus enthusiasts and anyone else looking for real insight into one of the world's most successful business stories. Kevin R.E. Watts Editor, "The Lexus Enthusiast"). Praise for the Hard Cover Edition: "Toyota is the best car company in the world. From a truck-maker in World War II to a carmaker in the 1950s to a Lexus maker in the 1980s, it excels everywhere. Chester Dawson is a Japanese-speaking investigative reporter who has got the inside story of Lexus and made it come alive. (Ezra F. Vogel Henry Ford II Research Professor of the Social Sciences, Emeritus Harvard University). "Chester Dawson brings to life the story of Lexus. This is a tale of invention, consumer insight, dedication and resolve. Dawson tells the story with drama, vision and insider detail. He unlocks the keys to how Toyota took a vague idea and turned it into a flagship brand and a new automotive icon". (Michael Silverstein Senior Vice President, The Boston Consulting Group). While Detroit is still trying to figure out how Toyota made Lexus the best-selling luxury brand in the United States, Chester Dawson has dissected the Lexus story in an enlightening way. Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit brings to life the personalities who brought about an automotive phenomenon. This is a must-read not only for car buffs, but for any manager or executive who wants to understand how to create, sustain and expand an elite brand". (Micheline Maynard Author of "The End of Detroit: How the Big Three Lost Their Grip on the American Car Market"). Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=110916
Titre : Luxury : a rich history Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Peter MCNEIL, ; Giorgio, RIELLO Importance : xv, 351 p. Présentation : illustrations (black and white) ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-164027-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
PRODUIT DE LUXE ; HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE ; HISTOIRE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; HISTOIREMots-clés candidats : Material culture History. Luxury Luxuries Index. décimale : E-book Résumé : We live in a world obsessed by luxury. Long-distance airlines compete to offer first-class sleeping experiences and hotels recommend exclusive suites where you are never disturbed. Luxury is a rapidly changing global industry that makes the headlines daily in our newspapers and on the internet. More than ever, luxury is a pervasive presence in the cultural and economic life of the West - and increasingly too in the emerging super-economies of Asia and Latin America. Yet luxury is hardly a new phenomenon. Today's obsession with luxury brands and services is just one of the many manifestations that luxury has assumed. In the middle ages and the Renaissance, for example, luxury was linked to notions of magnificence and courtly splendour. In the eighteenth century luxury was at the centre of philosophical debates over its role in shaping people's desires and oiling the wheels of commerce. And it continues to morph today, with the growth of the global super-rich and increasing wealth polarization. From palaces to penthouses, from couture fashion to lavish jewellery, from handbags to red wine, from fast cars to easy money, Peter McNeil and Giorgio Riello present the first ever global history of luxury, from the Romans to the twenty-first century: a sparkling and ever-changing story of extravagance, excess, novelty, and indulgence. Nombre d'accès : 2 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=158532
Titre : Luxury : a rich history Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Peter MCNEIL, ; Giorgio, RIELLO Importance : xv, 351 p. Présentation : illustrations (black and white) Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
HISTOIRE ; HISTOIRE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; HISTOIRE ECONOMIQUE ; PRODUIT DE LUXEMots-clés candidats : Material culture History. Luxury Luxuries Index. décimale : E-book Résumé : We live in a world obsessed by luxury. Long-distance airlines compete to offer first-class sleeping experiences and hotels recommend exclusive suites where you are never disturbed. Luxury is a rapidly changing global industry that makes the headlines daily in our newspapers and on the internet. More than ever, luxury is a pervasive presence in the cultural and economic life of the West - and increasingly too in the emerging super-economies of Asia and Latin America. Yet luxury is hardly a new phenomenon. Today's obsession with luxury brands and services is just one of the many manifestations that luxury has assumed. In the middle ages and the Renaissance, for example, luxury was linked to notions of magnificence and courtly splendour. In the eighteenth century luxury was at the centre of philosophical debates over its role in shaping people's desires and oiling the wheels of commerce. And it continues to morph today, with the growth of the global super-rich and increasing wealth polarization. From palaces to penthouses, from couture fashion to lavish jewellery, from handbags to red wine, from fast cars to easy money, Peter McNeil and Giorgio Riello present the first ever global history of luxury, from the Romans to the twenty-first century: a sparkling and ever-changing story of extravagance, excess, novelty, and indulgence. Nombre d'accès : 3 Autre URL associée : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=9780191640278 En ligne : https://neoma-bs.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ne [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=539107
Titre : Vintage marketing differentiation : the origins of marketing and branding strategies / Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Robert L WILLIAMS, ; Helena A., WILLIAMS Editeur : PALGRAVE Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 1 online resource 270 p. Présentation : illustrations (black and white, and colour) ; ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-137-38721-9 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
MARKETING STRATEGIQUEMots-clés candidats : Branding (Marketing) History. Marketing Résumé : This book analyzes the origins of marketing and branding strategies and the unique situations involving differentiation. Photographs of actual materials that were created and used in marketing campaigns between 1846-1946 are featured to bring to life these vintage innovations. Examining how and why these classic strategies were devised and implemented provides insight on how the vintage strategies can continue to be used to position products, services, and experiences within current market situations. Vintage Marketing Differentiation describes real life, innovative, outside-the-box solutions. It explains a marketing differentiation process and emphasizes the critical nature of the perception of trends and timely action. Profiles of over 30 companies and brands depict nearly 20 categories of the first marketing strategies ever to be used. These powerful strategies ignited competitive advantages and help explain why most of these companies are still in business today! Nombre d'accès : 2 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=207886 Global advertising in a global culture / Thomas H. P GOULD, / ROWMAN AND LITTLEFIELD PUBLISHERS (2015)PermalinkPermalink
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