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73 recherche sur le mot-clé candidats

Titre : Pentacom : Communication marketing b-to-c et b-to-b, corporate, digitale et responsable Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Philippe MALAVAL ; Jean-Marc DECAUDIN ; Guillaume DEVIANNE Mention d'édition : 4e éd. Editeur : Pearson Année de publication : 2016 Collection : Eco gestion Importance : 720 p Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-326-00129-9 Prix : 51 EUR Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
RESPONSABILITE SOCIALE DE L'ENTREPRISE ; MARKETING INDUSTRIEL ; PROMOTION DES VENTES ; GROUPE DE PRESSION ; COMMUNICATION ; MEDIAMots-clés candidats : Communication Entreprise Gestion - Management - Fiscalité Marketing Index. décimale : 121.16 MARKETING INDUSTRIEL Résumé : Cet ouvrage regroupe les différents types de communication marketing b-to-c, b-to-b et corporate, tout en dressant un état des lieux de la place des outils digitaux et des enjeux de la RSE dans chacun de ces domaines. Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=142471 Exemplaires(3)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité J5272 121.16 MAL Livre Library Campus de Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible J5273 121.16 MAL Livre Library Campus de Rouen Salle de lecture Disponible J5271 121.16 MAL Livre Library Campus de Rouen Salle de lecture Exclu du prêt
Titre : Competitive social media marketing strategies Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Gordon BOWEN (1950-) ; Wilson OZUEM (1974-) Editeur : BUSINESS SCIENCE REFERENCE Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 1 online resource (xx, 317 pages) : Présentation : illustrations (black and white, colour), maps (colour). ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4666-9777-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
MARKETING SOCIAL ; MARKETING STRATEGIQUE ; MEDIAMots-clés candidats : Internet marketing Social aspects. Online social networks. Social media. Marketing Index. décimale : E-book Résumé : Competitive Social Media Marketing Strategies presents a critical examination on the integration of social networking platforms into business tactics and the challenges presented by consumers’ use of these online communities. Highlighting pivotal issues such as brand management, customer loyalty, and online services, this publication is a pivotal reference source for business managers, professionals, advanced-level students, and consultants interested in the latest research on the use of digital media tools for business opportunities. Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=158416
Titre : Marketing strategy & competitive positioning Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Graham J HOOLEY, ; Brigitte, NICOULAUD ; Nigel, PIERCY ; John, RUDD Mention d'édition : Sixth edition. Editeur : PEARSON ED. Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 569 p. Présentation : illustrations ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-292-01731-0 Note générale : First edition. published in 1993 as: Competitive positioning : the key to marketing strategy / Graham J. Hooley and John A. Saunders.
Previous edition: 2012.Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CONCURRENCE ; MARKETING STRATEGIQUEMots-clés candidats : Target marketing. Management. Marketing Business planning. Marketing. Résumé : Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning 6e deals with the process of developing and implementing a marketing strategy. The book focuses on competitive positioning at the heart of marketing strategy and includes in-depth discussion of the processes used in marketing to achieve competitive advantage. The book is primarily about creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. It focuses on the two central issues in marketing strategy formulation - the identification of target markets and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing that, it recognises the emergence of new potential target markets born of the recession and increased concern for climate change; and it examines ways in which firms can differentiate their offerings through the recognition of environmental and social concerns. New to this edition * Updated to reflect the on-going global economic crisis and its impact on business and marketing. * New coverage including the impact of emerging market on innovation, the perverse customer as a market force, the new realities in competing through services and market analysis and segmentation. * Updated chapters on strategic customer management and strategic alliances. * Increased emphasis on competing through innovation including new business models such as Uber, Netflix and new types of retailing. * Updates vignettes at the beginning of chapters focusing on companies such as Amadeus, Mastercard and Samsung Pay and including discussion questions. * New cases throughout the book including Ryanair, Amazon and Lego. * Up-dated online resources include an Instructor's Manual and PowerPoint slides for instructors, along with additional case studies for students. The book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management and Strategic Marketing Management. Graham Hooley is Emeritus Professor of Marketing at Aston University. He is a past President of the European Marketing Academy, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, British Academy of Management, EMAC and the Higher Education Academy. Brigitte Nicoulaud is Senior Teaching Fellow at Aston Business School. Nigel F. Piercy was previously Professor of Marketing & Strategic Management & Associate Dean at Warwick Business School, Warwick University. John M Rudd is a Professor of Marketing and Head of the Marketing Group at Warwick Business School. Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=208892 Marketing challenges in a turbulent business environment / Mark D., GROZA / SPRINGER-VERLAG FRANCE (2015)
Titre : Marketing challenges in a turbulent business environment : Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Mark D., GROZA, Auteur ; Charles B., RAGLAND, Auteur ; ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE. Annual Conference. Editeur : SPRINGER-VERLAG FRANCE Année de publication : 2015 Importance : xxiii, 733 p. Présentation : illustrations, maps. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-319-19428-8 Note générale : Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
MANAGEMENT ; MARKETING ENVIRONNEMENTAL ; TECHNIQUE PUBLICITAIREMots-clés candidats : Marketing Management Business Index. décimale : E-book Résumé : Edited in collaboration with the Academy of Marketing Science, this book contains the full proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress held in Lima, Peru. The key challenge for marketers during the last two decades has been assuring high satisfaction and strong customer loyalty. Today, consumers' ever-changing desires, instantaneous communication through social media, and mobile technology and an unstable global economic climate all come together to stir up market turbulence. This volume explores how traditional and modern marketing practices facilitate development of new and innovative products, help create increased product/service differentiation, ensure better service quality, and most of all, create value for stakeholders even in such a turbulent business environment. Showcasing cross-cultural research from academics, scholars and practitioners from around the world, this volume provides insight and strategies for various marketing issues in today's emerging markets. Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among its services to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complimenting the Academy's flagship journals, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review. Volumes are edited by leading scholars and practitioners across a wide range of subject areas in marketing science. Nombre d'accès : 2 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=158414
Titre : Web marketing : Définir sa stratégie web - construire sa visibilité - générer du business à l'aide d'internet Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Thomas FAIVRE-DUBOZ, Auteur ; Raphael FETIQUE, Auteur ; Antoine LENDREVIE, Auteur Editeur : PARIS : DUNOD Année de publication : 2011 Collection : Fonctions de l'entreprise Importance : 348 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2100-571833978210056897-0 Note générale : Glossaire p.315-329. Bibliogr. p.331. Webographie p.332-333 Langues : Français (fre) Mots-clés : Management
WEBMARKETINGMots-clés candidats : INTERNET MARKETING Nombre d'accès : Illimité En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=110820 PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalink

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