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1 recherche sur le mot-clé candidats 'SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT'
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Titre : Entrepreneurship and Sustainability : Business Solutions for Poverty Alleviation from Around the World Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Daphne HALKIAS, Éditeur scientifique ; Paul W. THURMAN, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Farnham : GOWER Année de publication : 2012 Importance : XXVI; 244 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4094-2874-9 Note générale : Index. Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés candidats : SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP EMPRENDIMIENTO SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURIAT SOCIAL Résumé : In "Entrepreneurship and Sustainability" the editors and contributors challenge the notion that not-for-profit social entrepreneurship is the only sort that can lead to the alleviation of poverty. Entrepreneurship for profit is not just about the entrepreneur doing well. Entrepreneurs worldwide are leading successful for - profit ventures which contribute to poverty alleviation in their communities. With the challenge of global poverty before them, entrepreneurs continue to develop innovative, business-oriented ventures that deliver promising solutions to this complex and urgent agenda. This book explores how best to bring commercial investors together with those who are best placed to reach the poorest customers. With case studies from around the World, the focus of the contributions is on the new breed of entrepreneurs who are blending a profit motive with a desire to make a difference in their communities and beyond borders. A number of the contributions here also recognize that whilst much research has been devoted to poverty alleviation in developing countries, this is only part of the story. Studies in this volume also focus upon enterprise solutions to poverty in pockets of significant deprivation in high-income countries, such as the Appalachia region of the US, in parts of Europe, and the richer Asian countries. Much has been written about the achievements of socially orientated non-profit microfinance institutions. This valuable, academically rigorous but accessible book will help academics, policy makers, and business people consider what the next generation of more commercially orientated banks for the 'bottom billion' might look like. Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=110883
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