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Accounting for Unstable Environments in the Public Sector / Francisco BASTIDA / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2022)
Titre : Accounting for Unstable Environments in the Public Sector : Managing Complexity in Turbulent Times Bastida, Francisco; Hoque, Zahirul; Bracci, Enrico Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Francisco BASTIDA, Auteur ; Zahirul HOQUE, Auteur ; Enrico BRACCI, Auteur Editeur : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 186 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-80382-354-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
COMPTABILITE ; SECTEUR PUBLICRésumé : The ebook is about "Accounting for Unstable Environments in the Public Sector: Managing Complexity in Turbulent Times " Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : https://neoma-bs.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ne [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=552393
Titre : Sport Entrepreneurship : An Economic, Social and Sustainability Perspective Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Vanessa RATTEN, Auteur Editeur : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING Année de publication : 2020 Importance : 193 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-83982-836-2 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
INNOVATION ; SPORT ; ENTREPRENEURIAT SOCIALRésumé : This book is the first of its kind to focus on the role of economics, social issues and sustainability in terms of sport entrepreneurship, thereby paving the way for both a monetary and social perspective of the subject. Ratten focuses on sport entrepreneurship from multiple levels of analysis including the athlete, manager, fan and company viewpoint, enabling a holistic understanding of how sport entrepreneurship emerges in society and the role it plays in the knowledge economy. Sport Entrepreneurship: An Economic, Social and Sustainability Perspectiveis fundamentally about innovation, competitiveness and futuristic thinking. This exciting work focuses on how digital technology is driving transformations in the sport industry, enabling readers to understand the shift in sport towards integrating more entrepreneurial activity. Also examined is the role of the knowledge economy in facilitating the shift from a product orientated to more service and technology oriented sport ecosystem. This edited collection enables a change in the way sport entrepreneurship is currently conceived and looks at how it can migrate towards economic, social and sustainability. Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : https://neoma-bs.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ne [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=538533 The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm / Enno MASUREL / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2019)
Titre : The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm Type de document : e-book Auteurs : Enno MASUREL, Auteur Editeur : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 152 p. ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-78973-317-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
ENTREPRENEURIATRésumé : Entrepreneurial dilemmas play an important, though heavily underexposed, role in the life cycle of the small firm. This book defines the entrepreneurial dilemma as a situation where entrepreneurs have to choose between multiple future courses of action concerning their firm, without sufficient information to make that choice. The Entrepreneurial Dilemma in the Life Cycle of the Small Firm enables lecturers, researchers and practitioners in the fields of entrepreneurship, small business development and business administration to understand these entrepreneurial dilemmas and ways to resolve them. This book presents an in-depth analysis of the modern theories in the field of entrepreneurship, including innovation, sustainable entrepreneurship, characteristics of small businesses, the life cycle of the firm, entrepreneurial behavior and small business finance. Enno Masurel provides a clear overview of the opportunities that teaching entrepreneurship in a higher education context offers, and embodies this teaching within ten universal cases that will help readers to further understand the the dilemmas faced by entrepreneurial activity in the development of small firms Nombre d'accès : Illimité En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=491048 Finance and economy for society / Sharam ALIJANI ; Catherine KARYOTIS / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2017)
Titre : Finance and economy for society : integrating sustainability Type de document : Livre Auteurs : Sharam ALIJANI ; Catherine KARYOTIS Mention d'édition : First edition. Editeur : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING Année de publication : 2017 Importance : xxiii, 376 pages Présentation : illustrations Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-78635-510-2 Prix : 96 EUR Langues : Anglais (eng) Index. décimale : 332.09 Résumé : The latest volume of Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability examines the social, economic and environmental impacts of corporations, and the real effects of corporate governance, CSR and business sustainability on societies in different regions.-- Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=214079 Exemplaires(1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité 055192 658.408/ALI Livre Library Campus de Reims Salle de lecture Disponible Managing the supply chain management-marketing interface / lucio LAMBER / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2017)
Titre : Managing the supply chain management-marketing interface Type de document : e-book Auteurs : lucio LAMBER, Auteur ; Majed AL-MASHARI, Auteur Editeur : EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 140 p (400 crédits) ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-83867-290-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : Management
CHAINE DE PRODUCTION ; ECONOMIE SOCIALE ET SOLIDAIRE ; MARKETING DE LA DISTRIBUTIONRésumé : This ebook provide insights into the main trends and socio-economical changes that affect SCM-M interface and call for a profound reflection on how companies and supply chains should tackle such changes, and also provides insights on the techniques, approaches, tools and frameworks companies and supply chains can put in place to manage the SCM-M interface. Nombre d'accès : 1 En ligne : http://www.vlebooks.com/vleweb/product/openreader?id=Neoma&accId=9169105&isbn=97 [...] Permalink : https://cataloguelibrary.neoma-bs.fr/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=486312 PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkLeadership Lessons in Compelling Contexts / Claudia PEUS / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2016)PermalinkPermalinkOrganization theory / Tuomo PELTONEN / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2016)PermalinkPermalinkThe structuring of work in organizations / Lisa E. COHEN / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2016)PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkHuman Resource Management, social innovation and technology / Tanya BONDAROUK / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2014)PermalinkInstitutional logics in action / Michael LOUNSBURY ; Eva BOXENBAUM / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2013)PermalinkInternational Journal of Manpower, volume 34. Number 4. Bringing sen's capability approach to work and human resource practice / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2013)PermalinkPermalinkLuxury fashion and culture / Eunju KO / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2013)PermalinkOrganizing for sustainable effectiveness, vol. 3. Building networks for sustainable effectiveness / Christopher G. WORLEY / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2013)PermalinkPermalinkInterdisciplinary approaches to product design, innovation, & branding in international marketing / EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING (2012.)Permalink
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